Different Year, Same Struggle: 2014 DALBAR Results

The nation’s leading financial services market research firm, DALBAR, recently released its 20th annual edition of the Quantitative Analysis of Investor Behavior (QAIB).   The QAIB looks back at the previous twenty years to evaluate actual investor returns, as well as the behaviors that produce those returns.   In the chart below, we see how the average investor stacks up against relevant …

What are House Margin Requirements?

When buying shares of a stock, you may occasionally receive an alert that reads something like this: “You are attempting to purchase a security that may be held to a higher house margin requirement than most securities. If you have a Margin Account, this will be reflected in your Buying Power. Please Place Order to proceed.” In the Snider Investment …

What Should I do with my Cash Balance?

A common question I receive is “what should I do with my cash balance?”  Traditional investment strategies will likely invest the entire cash balance into mutual funds and various other investment instruments.  But with the Snider Method, your portfolio may be 40-60% in cash and many clients feel like it is just sitting on the sidelines doing nothing.  In actuality, …

What are House Margin Requirements?

When buying shares of a stock, you may occasionally receive an alert that reads something like this: “You are attempting to purchase a security that may be held to a higher house margin requirement than most securities. If you have a Margin Account, this will be reflected in your Buying Power. Please Place Order to proceed.” In the Snider Investment …

What Should I do with my Cash Balance?

by Tom Doan A common question I receive is “what should I do with my cash balance?”  Traditional investment strategies will likely invest the entire cash balance into mutual funds and various other investment instruments.  But with the Snider Method, your portfolio may be 40-60% in cash and many clients feel like it is just sitting on the sidelines doing …

Your Questions, Asked and Answered

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) has wonderful information to help investors educate and protect themselves. Since it is highly likely that you will at some point be invited to a “free lunch” investment seminar, I think a particularly beneficial article for you is FINRA’s Investor Alert titled, “Free Lunch” Investment Seminars – Avoiding the Heartburn of a Hard Sell.

The 5 Key Players on a Caregiver’s Team

It‘s been estimated that nearly 66 million people in the United States provide care to a family member. Yet many people feel unprepared and unqualified when they are thrust into the role of a caregiver. Luckily, there are experts who can help you with the myriad of responsibilities, decisions, and feelings involved with taking care of a loved one.

Making Change

by Shelley Seagler Here’s an obvious concept: if you want to change something in your life, change your behavior.  Certainly, there is nothing revolutionary or particularly profound about that idea, but for something so blatant, it sure is hard to do. Don’t believe me? Read Alan Deutschman’s, Change or Die.   Deutschman states that in situations where someone will surely face …

Shedding Light on Elder Abuse

By 2030, there will be approximately 72.1 million Americans in the over-65 crowd, more than double the number in 2000.  As this section of the population grows, so does the very real problem of elder abuse.  Elder abuse is inflicting physical, psychological, sexual, or financial harm on a senior adult. It also includes neglect and exploitation. It is currently estimated …

Act Now to Save

Why wait any longer? Now is your chance to save $200 when you register for the Snider Investment Method Online Course.  Simply enter the discount code SPRING10 when you sign up and you’ll save 10%.   This is a fantastic opportunity for you to finally learn how to take control of your portfolio and use our proven, long-term strategy.  But don’t wait, this …