The 5 Key Players on a Caregiver’s Team

It‘s been estimated that nearly 66 million people in the United States provide care to a family member. Yet many people feel unprepared and unqualified when they are thrust into the role of a caregiver. Luckily, there are experts who can help you with the myriad of responsibilities, decisions, and feelings involved with taking care of a loved one.

Filial Responsibility Laws: Your Parents Your Responsibility

When John Pitta’s mother couldn’t pay her nursing home bill, he was sued for almost $93,000. The nursing home won the case, so Pitta appealed. But because his mother was considered indigent and Pitta had the financial resources to cover his mother’s bill, he lost the appeal and the courts required him to pay.

How Confident are You about Retirement?

Earlier this month, the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) released their 22nd annual Retirement Confidence Survey. However, the findings of the past several years indicate the report might be more aptly named the lack of confidence survey. Sadly, only 14% of Americans are very confident they will have enough money to live comfortably in retirement.

The 5 Players Who Should be on Every Caregiver’s Team

It‘s been estimated that nearly 66 million people in the United States provide care to a family member. Yet many people feel unprepared and unqualified when they are thrust into the role of a caregiver. Luckily, there are experts who can help you with the myriad of responsibilities, decisions, and feelings involved with taking care of a loved one.