7 Red Flags of a Shady Financial Advisor-Part 2

Part 1 – Part 2 #2: They Offer a “Free Lunch” Financial advisors have used the strategy of the “free lunch” to generate new clients for decades. As you get older and closer to retirement, you are more than likely going to be bombarded with invitations to lunches or dinners that are hosted by some type of investment firm. But …

5 Habits of Savvy Investors-Part 5

Part 1 – Part 2 – Part 3 – Part 4 – Part 5 Steal From the Best When you’re headed to a destination you’ve never been and you’ve got no road map, the easiest way to ensure you arrive at the right place is to simply follow the person ahead of you who lives there and is headed there …

5 Habits of Savvy Investors-Part 1

Have you ever wondered how great investors think or what they’re doing that the rest of the world isn’t doing? What makes them tick? In this 5-Part Series, we’ will uncover the investment secrets of some of the most successful investors of the last century. Different Strokes for Different Folks Most of the greatest investors of our time have chosen very …

Dollar Cost Averaging for Better Stock Investing

A variance of dollar cost averaging is a critical component of the Snider Investment Method. So, let’s define dollar cost averaging, explore some of its benefits, and illustrate how this strategy helps conquer some harmful investment practices. You may be familiar with the term dollar cost averaging.  With this strategy, you buy a fixed dollar amount of a particular investment …