You and your emotions – friends or enemies?

Have you lost sleep over your investments lately? If so you are not alone.

With all the complexities and nondescript jargon surrounding the financial markets, it is easy to forget that they are still driven by the same thing they always have been; buyers and sellers. Each with their own opinion on what the market is going to do next. While in the long term, stock prices are primarily driven by earnings, in the short to medium term, stock prices are greatly controlled by the fear, hope, and greed of stock market participants

Capital Appreciation or Cash Flow

Traditionally, investors have relied on investments based on the objective of capital appreciation. When you’re investing for capital appreciation, you buy an asset in hopes it will go up in price so you can sell it for more than what you paid for it sometime in the future. The profit you make is called capital appreciation.

So Many Options

As you’re probably very well aware, the Snider Investment Method is at the center of Snider Advisors’ business. It is the primary tool we use in our asset management services and the cornerstone of all of our financial education courses. Of course, people often ask. “What is the Snider Method?” When we say, something like, “the Snider Method is a long-term investment strategy that focuses on producing portfolio income through a specific system of using stocks, options, and cash management techniques, we can tell they’re right along with us until we mention the “O” word…options.

Invest with Attitude

We can all agree that attitude is one of the biggest predictors of success. Yet when it comes to investing, many people continue to have attitudes of confusion, fear, anger, and even apathy. Changing your attitude is the first step in creating successful investment outcomes.

Stock Basics: What is “the market?”

You’ve probably heard talk on the news about how the market was up or down. When people discuss “the market,” they are actually referring to a market index. A market index measures a specific section of the stock market and helps investors evaluate how well the market, or at least a particular section of the market, is doing. Although there are a number of indices, the three that are most commonly referred to and quoted are the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the Standard & Poor’s 500, and the NASDAQ Composite Index.

Vacation with a Twist

Now is the time of year when many of us have vacation on the brain. After feeling slightly cooped up by the winter cold, you may find yourself dreaming of lounging on the beach cozying up to a good book and a pina colada. But if you’re within 5 years of retirement, taking a slightly different approach to your vacation may be a wiser use of your vacation time.

Financial Advice on a Napkin

I recently read The Behavior Gap by Carl Richards. It’s an enjoyable read, loaded with good, practical advice and the type of rational common sense we all should possess. While I don’t think Richards is saying anything you haven’t heard before, especially if you been a long time reader of Kim Snider and Snider Advisors’ blog, he does say it in an interesting way.

8 Steps to Change Your Investment Strategy

Are you interested in the Snider Investment Method but not sure how to get started? Here are 8 straightforward steps to get you on the right track.

How Maslow Can Save You from the Blues

According to British researcher Cliff Arnall, the third Monday of January is the most depressing day of the year. Arnall calls it, “Blue Monday.” While some make a reasonable argument that Arnall’s theory is based on pseudoscience, I personally wonder if Arnall may be on to something.

Are You Being Honest With Yourself?

Nature has equipped us with a lot of defense mechanisms. One of them is the ability to rationalize our feelings, thoughts, fears, and doubts. Evolution taught us to be story-tellers, and we tell ourselves story after story until we imagine one which explains the circumstances we find ourselves in.