Don’t Brag Yet

by Jesse Anderson, CFA® Last weekend a long-time friend said to me: “I cashed out my entire 401(k) before the tech bubble, and Thank God!, because I would have lost everything.” My friend is so proud of his decision that he’s still bragging about it over 10 years later.  I did not have the heart to tell him that his …

Accepting Uncertainty – 3 Reasons Cash Harms Your Financial Future

“Part of being a good investor is accepting uncertainty.” – Kurt Shrout, Minimizing Cash is King

With markets reaching all-time highs, I’ve seen many articles discussing the role of cash in a portfolio. I believe one of the biggest reasons investors have moved a considerable portion of their portfolios to cash is certainty. In making this decision, some investors may not fully consider these different

Invest with Attitude

We can all agree that attitude is one of the biggest predictors of success. Yet when it comes to investing, many people continue to have attitudes of confusion, fear, anger, and even apathy. Changing your attitude is the first step in creating successful investment outcomes.

Are You Being Honest With Yourself?

Nature has equipped us with a lot of defense mechanisms. One of them is the ability to rationalize our feelings, thoughts, fears, and doubts. Evolution taught us to be story-tellers, and we tell ourselves story after story until we imagine one which explains the circumstances we find ourselves in.

Creating a Succession Plan for the Snider Method

A question we consistently hear is, “I’ve been trading my account for years, and my spouse has no interest in trading whatsoever. What should I do?” Creating a succession plan is a very important piece to the financial planning puzzle. By creating a plan and educating those who will ultimately be left behind, you can provide your loved ones a great deal of comfort in a very turbulent time of loss.

10 Steps to Improve Your Finances at Any Age

A few simple steps can make all the difference when it comes to being prepared for retirement. While it’s never too early to start saving for retirement it’s also never too late to evaluate your financial situation and make sure you are making wise financial decisions. Research shows that these simple tasks can dramatically increase one’s chances of financial success

The Investor’s Christmas Wish List

What do you want for Christmas? This is a common question we likely all hear from friends and family this time of year. While I doubt any of us will be creating a Christmas list to send to Santa, we all have secret wishes or cravings that would put a smile on our face Christmas morning.

Common Investors’ Mistakes

Investors make the same mistakes over and over again. They are all well documented, but rarely do we try to recognize our errors, evaluate the decision making process, and finally, avoid the mistakes in the future. One of my favorite financial bloggers, Barry Ritholtz, recently wrote an article for The Washington Post listing Investors’ 10 Most Common Mistakes. Here are three and how we combat these mistakes with the Snider Investment Method.

Investment Tax Basics

Americans have been paying taxes on their earnings for almost 100 years. During that period of time, tax laws have continually changed and have certainly increased in their level of complexity. Although no one enjoys paying taxes, at Snider Advisors, we like to remind our clients that taxes are an inevitable part of making money – and you should never let the tax tail wag the investment dog.

Emotional Risk?

You will often hear that investors are worried about the risks associated with investments. They are concerned about inflation risk, market risk, and liquidity risk. There is one type of risk that should be a major concern for you, but it is often ignored. Are you concerned about emotional risk? The risk that you make investment decisions based on fear, greed, or worse, doing what everyone else is doing.