“We are going to have a good year!”

Do you own shares of stock in the company you work for? Do they make up your entire 401(k) or just some of your “play money”? I’m amazed at the amount of clients and prospects I meet with that have a significant portion of their portfolio invested in their company’s stock. Familiarity and ‘insider knowledge’ seem to be the top reasons the hold the positions. They quickly forget stock picking is nearly impossible and even those with the greatest level of knowledge get it wrong.

Who will receive your assets upon death?

We’ve all opened an investment account with our broker and been asked to elect a beneficiary. All too often, we make this election without thinking about the issues that can arise when an account is transferred from the account owner to their elected inheritor. Today we will take a look at three items that every account owner should be aware of when designating a beneficiary.

Not All ETFs Are Created Equal

Although exchange traded funds (ETFs) provide an effective and easy way to gain exposure to different asset classes or sectors, not all of them are the same. ETFs that are created to track the same sector, related indexes, and even the same index will vary in performance because of a variety of different factors. As ETFs gain even more popularity and as more varieties such as actively managed ETFs come onto the scene, it is becoming increasingly more important to recognize the differences between these funds.

Gold Rush

I recently wrote about how Cash was Today’s Hottest Investment. I made this assumption based off the billions of dollars investors are adding to cash accounts (checking, saving, and money market) and removing from equity funds. This is a great way to track investor behavior. Although cash seems to be where investors are moving money, I hear the most questions about Gold.

Time to hit the books

“You can blame the corrupt markets, evil hedge funds, or the big bad banks for your financial woes. You can even blame yours truly. Off-loading the blame may feel good at the time but it’s not going to build up your IRA or send your kids to college. Your finances are your responsibility and the best way to protect and grow your money isn’t a hot stock tip; it’s education.” I recently read this in an article on Breakout, a financial blog located on Yahoo.com and I couldn’t agree more.

Simple Resolutions for the New Year

With the each New Year we reflect upon the challenges we faced during the previous year while making resolutions for the next. Many of these resolutions I hear from family and friends are often either financial or health related goals as these seem to be the two areas in our lives that always seem as though they could be improved. I think the problem with most of the resolutions I hear made this time of year is that they are far too ambitions and often never end up being fulfilled. With this in mind I’ve compiled a list of simple financial do’s and don’ts for the coming year that can help you get your finances in order.

Your Awful Annuity Investment

Are you considering making an investment in an annuity? Do you truly understand the product and all the guarantees, fees, and expenses? In discussions with prospective clients looking to change their investment strategies many have been comparing our strategy with annuities. Even after our conversations, many investors still do not understand the disadvantages of these investments.

Creating Cash Flow in Retirement

At the close of the third quarter, the S&P 500 was down just over 10% for 2011. Retirees living off their portfolios may face tough decisions over the next few months when it comes time to make their next withdrawal. The standard 4% withdrawal rule faces added scrutiny each and every time the market declines. When portfolio income becomes a priority, it is time to abandon your customary mutual fund portfolio and find an investment strategy aligned with your objectives.

Ten Retirement Lessons From the Smartest People I Know

I recently happened on a thought-provoking article by, Paul Merriman, in Advisor Perspectives. He called it “Ten Retirement Lessons from the Smartest People I Know”. From my unique vantage point as a financial advisor, financial radio talk show host and financial mentor to thousands, I too have the good fortune of knowing and watching a lot of really smart people. …

Protect against inflation or preserve capital?

A man is lying in his hospital bed, surrounded by friends and family, reflecting on his recent near death experience. “I always thought it’d be the ulcer that killed me. I did everything the doctors told me. I drank the cream, ate the butter, drank the milk. And now I have a heart attack!” This was a scene from the …